#16: Identifying the Backlight Inverter Board inside a TV
Posted by TV Parts Guy Team on 14th Jul 2015
The Backlight Inverter Board varies in size and length inside an LCD TV or LED TV. Generally speaking, the Backlight Inverter Board may appear as a standalone circuit board by itself, integrated together with the Power Supply, or integrated together with the Main Board. Sometimes, they may appear as a pair of circuit boards where there is a master and a slave, both of which are essential to each other. In other words, you need both in order for the TV to function correctly. In other instances, it may be the case that part of it is integrated with the Power Supply while also having a separate and dedicated Backlight Inverter Board in addition to it. And lastly, there are certainly some LCD TV's or LED TV's where the Backlight Inverter Boards may be broken up into several pieces but each distinct piece is linked together by wires or some other bridging mechanism. At the end of the day though, it really depends on the brand. In newer LED TV's, the Backlight Inverter Boards are slowly being replaced with another circuit board called the "LED Driver". For the most part, you can think of the LED Driver in an LED TV as the equivalent to a Backlight Inverter Board in an LCD TV. Both have the same functions. However, it is interesting to note here that some LED TV models may actually have both the LED Driver and Backlight Inverter Boards together in the same unit. And as far as we know, they only appear in TV sizes 55 inches and up.
In the case where they are integrated together with the Power Supply, you may have noticed a thick black line or thick white line etched (or occasionally, a thick dotted line of either color) on the surface snaking its way around the board and separating certain components--usually transformers, coils, and/or transistors. Usually, the side where the AC connector (where you plug in the power cord) is found would be considered the "Power Supply" side while the other would be considered the "Backlight Inverter" side.
Depending on the TV, the Backlight Inverter Boards are generally located on each opposing side of the TV. Usually, they are found on the far left and on the far right, if they come in pairs. If it's just one, it should be located next to the Power Supply or directly above it with its own steel enclosure.
How does one tell if the board is a Backlight Inverter Board, one might ask? Well, typically, they have "transformers" located directly on the board itself. What are transformers? They look like small squares or rectangular boxes with copper-colored coils wrapped within the plastic frame. Sometimes, the plastic frame is completely covered by electrical tape shielding the coils within and sometimes, it is a see-through, yellow-tinted electrical tape where you can make out the copper-colored coils within. This is an example of a transformer for the part 6632L-0371A. Notice the yellow squares? Those are transformers. Now, they won't all look like that. Sometimes, they may look like these smaller "chiclets" like it is for this part LJ97-02094A. Sometimes, they may look like these rectangular shaped boxes like this part LJ97-01922A. Here is another example of a rectangular transformer where the copper-colored coils are completely covered by a "plastic top" like it is for this part LJ97-03463A. And lastly, here's an example of a chiclet-sized transformer where there is a "plastic top" covering the coils held within for this part 27-D022899. There are certainly many, many other variations but all of the most common looking transformers will take such a shape on a Backlight Inverter Board.
Now, having said all of that, we think it would be helpful to also point out the transformers found on a Power Supply Board. Here's an example of the Samsung Power Supply BN44-00509A. Notice the two pairs of yellow squares on the top of the board? Those are transformers. Notice again just below them that there's another yellow one that is a lot bigger with the bottom half exposed showing the copper-colored coils within? That's also a transformer. It goes without saying that the white one just beside that big yellow one is also a transformer. The colors of the electrical tape covering the coils within the transformer varies. It can be white, yellow, blue, red, and other colors. It just depends. There doesn't necessarily need to be any electrical tape covering the coils in a transformer like it is for this Vizio Power Supply: 0500-0507-0250. So don't be alarmed if you find a Power Supply with a transformer that doesn't have the electrical tape. It works with or without the electrical tape. All that a electrical tape does is provide insulation of electrical current. That's all. The color themselves only have meaning for the engineers or electricians who perform checks on the board itself. It just indicates the voltage levels and "phases" for the engineers or electricians to be wary of when working on the board.
And that about sums it up for how to identify the Backlight Inverter Board inside an LCD TV.