Brand: ONN
ONN 100018971
ONN 100012585
Westinghouse WR55UX4212
Description: Power Supply Board
Board / Part Number: CH1160D-1MF / CH1160D-1MF 600-U D / CH1160D-1MF600-UBE
Please Note: There may be more than one version of this model. Please match the boards shown to the original boards in your TV before ordering.
Notes/Comments: Please make sure you are ordering the right part#. Same model TVs can use different part #'s.
R97 B9(JAV122723); R3B7(JLA1524); *50-2x2; R10B14)JAS112524)
SHP: R48B16(MCA71922); R50B2(MCA72622)X2; R53B4(MCA72822)X2; R6B11(CD61523); R1B5(CD61923)x3]; R31B14(CD62923); R8B14(CD7623)x4; JG-B19(CE#96367); R27B10(CE080123); R1B2(CE080323); R2B7(#96637); R2B7(#96685); R1B12(#96685); R53B16(CE081723); R53B16(CE081823); R89B6(CE082323); R89B6(CE082323); R84B4(CE082423); R89B11(VL102423); HA#4(JAS73124); R9B14(#104322)