Brand: SONY
Description: Sony Repair kit
Board / Part Numbers:
- Main board: A-5014-255-A / 1-006-895-21
- WIFI MODULE: 1-005-419-11
- TCON BOARD: LJ94-45133D
- LED DRIVER BOARD: A-5012-966-A
- G03 POWER SUPPLY BOARD: AP-P321AM-B / 1-006-132-22
- Please make sure you are ordering the right part number. Same model TVs can use different part numbers.
- IMPORTANT: A software update may be required upon installing the main board. After replacing this board, please visit and download the correct version for your model and follow all instructions.
- VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Kit has been fully tested and paired. This kit must be replaced all together. Due to the sensitivity of these boards there will be absolutely NO REFUNDS / NO RETURNS accepted. We recommend installation be performed by a certified professional. In purchasing this kit you are agreeing to these terms.
SHP: r84b6(CE#95960); KITB#11(#97369); SONY-KB1(#98298); 52-4(#103414); SONY-KB#1(#103927)